A real I-opener

Be an eye-opener and start explaining to people around you not to 
wait until they are rich to start giving, sharing and donating. 
In fact as soon as anyone has arrived on having something left at 
the end of the month he or she can start immediately donating stuff 
or money or efforts to others in need. 
When you start doing this you will feel incredible and it is almost addictive if it weren't for the realitychange that . At youcaring or Gofundme you can find some very interesting persons and familys who by a struck of bad luck are now about to end up really badly if they do not get a few heliping hands. Check it out for yourself and remember 2 things – 1-you can always go back being selfish anytime you want and number 2- bad luck happens to everyone, rich or not rich so next time it could be you and maybe you really are rich and don’t need money but what about a helping hand or soothing words – a voice that break the silence?

Take action and save somebody from a life in hopelessness.

Let me give you just one example:

This is a young girl who right now lives in complete hopelessness although being one of the Top-ten students at her school, although dreams concerning studying history at University and being an author on this subject, although a very good artist. She has a wishlist on GoFundMe covering things like urgently saving her from homelessness - to fulfillment of her more creative dreams as opening a creative page on patreon.com and making it possible for her to sell her artwork online combined with going to school. In this way she can save for university. She is only seventeen and soon facing homelessness if we don't come together and help her. 

- Do you want to leave her out in the cold this winter?