The Three TOP-RULES towards a better life

      Stay with me and YOU will become an expert in Upcycling, Recycling, Reusing.
Let's create a beautiful Life!


There is only NOW - you already know this deep inside you so why not start listening to it?!

- Step 1 towards a better life is taking action. Don't believe yourself when something inside is telling you "Yeah, yeah I will, but I just..." no, you do not have to wait for that inspiration coming from your inside ; it is already there but your lazy-ass ego is blocking it and THAT's why you are frustrated sometimes. So my friend, take action and Just Do, just start and the rest will follow. 

- Step 2 towards a better life is getting a better perspective of things and people around you. To do that it helps if you try not to put yourself in the center of everybody's attention all the time, it is perfectly okay to be an outsider. To help you get perspective and to put yourself aside for a minute a day there are some tricks I want to tell you about and are so simple that if you are not particularly intelligent you sure will overlook and tell me that you already knew that. Let me tell you if this is the case, that I know you know, but if you where a genius you sure would have done something bout it by now. Implication is the natural follow to learning so if you just "know" something it doesn't mean that you have learned it. If you have learned it you automatically would follow my advice that I about to tell you. But I have to start from the beginning.
There is this magic key called gratitude, and gratitude is something that we all are very good (not only you) at taking for granted and often we become numb when life treats us good. We are the fortunate ones you know. We are great at doing what we are doing I am not denying this but we also have been fortunate enough to stay out of misfortunes. Sometimes all this vantages makes us feel nothing for what we have and that's my friend are when it is time to follow my advice. It is like; "the more we have the less we ARE" and we should give something to someone less fortunate then we are. 
You would be surprised how good it would do your soul to HELP someone - just a little bit, just start with a dollar if you never done this before, I sure do not want you to do something you might regret and come back and haunt me forever. I will give you a link to a fundraising and then you do exactly how you wish. If you want you can tell me about it later and if you become a steady donor or an "I-opener", like me, I'd really like to hear about how good you feel every time you give something. 

There are a lot of sad cases on internet and around the world and I can understand if one gets even more depressed looking at those pages but there are also these rare people, rare and strong and mega-creative persons that REALLY tried everything to save themselves economically but they had bad luck. People that are still trying everything they can working more then one job, writing books and starting shops online making things out of literally NOTHING! never giving up and that are so eager to give their Donors back soo much love and appreciation that it is incredible! Try this link and see for yourself!

- Step three towards a better life is stopping your "needyness" - with this I mean simply stop craving things and feelings and situations you really don't need. This will come automatically when you stop acting and seeing yourself as a victim.  
A-U-T-O-M-A-T-I-C-A-L-L-Y!! And it will be an incredible, breathtaking experience when this happens, just wait and see for yourself. You could in fact start with this as your first step of True Action.
I will be back to explain everything, mean while you start taking action on those little or big things you procrastinated for so long.

Take care until then, bye!